2018 – Present
Appointed Member, International Representative to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Nutrition Care Process Research Outcomes Committee
2018 – Present
Appointed Member, International Representative to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Nutrition Care Process Research Outcomes Committee
Reports & Guidelines
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. (2016). 2017 Humanitarian Needs Overview, Syrian Arab Republic, December 2016.
World Health Organization. Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean. (2016). Noncommunicable Diseases in the Eastern Mediterranean Region.
World Health Organization. Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean. (2014). Report on the Second Annual Regional Meeting to Scale Up the Implementation of the United Nations Political Declaration on Noncommunicable Diseases Prevention and Control, Cairo, Egypt, 24-25 April 2014.
Scoping of WHO Guidelines on Saturated-Fatty Acid and Trans-Fatty Acid Consumption. (2012). World Health Organization. https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/nutritionlibrary/nugag/diet-and-health/nugag_dietandhealth_tfa_scoping_comments.pdf?sfvrsn=13b2b12c_3
Guideline: Daily Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation in Pregnant Women. (2012). World Health Organization.
World Health Organization. Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean. (2012). Report on the Consultation on Developing Strategic Directions for Salt and Fat Reduction in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, Cairo, Egypt, 28–29 November 2012.
World Health Organization. Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean. (2012). Summary Report of the Meeting: Eastern Mediterranean Regional Consultation on the Development of an Updated Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (2013-2020), Cairo, Egypt, 30 June – 2 July 2012.
World Health Organization. Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean. (2012). Report on the Joint WHO/Flour Fortification Initiative Harmonization Workshop for Wheat and Maize Flour Fortification, Amman, Jordan, 20–22 February 2012.
Guideline: Use of Multiple Micronutrient Powders for Home Fortification of Foods Consumed by Infants and Children 6-23 Months of Age. (2011). World Health Organization.
World Health Organization. Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean. (2011). Report on the Regional Workshop on Developing Plans of Action for Promotion of Physical Activity and Prevention and Control of Obesity, Amman, Jordan, 8–11 March 2010.
World Health Organization. Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean. (2010). Report on the Technical Consultation to Establish a Regional Nutrition Surveillance System with Focus on Micronutrient Malnutrition, Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic 18–21 October 2009. https://iris.who.int/handle/10665/116021
World Health Organization. Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean. (2010). Country Cooperation Strategy for WHO and Jordan (2008 – 2013), Amman, Jordan.
World Health Organization. Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean. (2006). Report on the Regional Workshop on National Nutrition Policy and Plan Formulation and Implementation, Cairo, Egypt, 27–30 November 2006.